Welcome to Severn Diamond Tools & Abrasives, we are a “Full Service Partner” for all things abrasive. From rough grinding to a mirror finish on stainless steel and all things in between, we have the product and the knowledge to support you. We are proud to partner with Sonnenflex Abrasives Germany for cutting, grinding and sanding discs in the UK and Ireland, and for a more extensive range of coated abrasives we have SAIT. Cloth and Paper in sheets and rolls, spindle mounted flap wheels and over 650 options in Hook & Loop Discs in grits form 40# to 5000#. Add to this HASE Files and wire brushes from Sonnenflex and SAIT, whatever your requirement we probably have it.
We have tried to make the website easy to navigate, click on products above and the drop down list will take you to Bonded, Coated, Diamond Tools or Files and Things. From each product category you get a quick overview, and then links to pdf’s showing the range of products available. Clicking on the Sonnenflex or SAIT logo at the bottom opens a new window where you can download even more information. If you do not see what you are looking for send us an enquiry via the Contact page and we will endeavour to answer your query.